We came up with this name of Joga Bonito FC as Joga Bonito translates to ‘Play Beautifully’ in Portuguese- Something we believe in when we play. Coming from all walks of life, it was FOOTBALL which brought us together to speak the same language. We are a bunch of boys from all age groups who have know each other for more than 10 years dating back to the year 2000 when we were plying our trade in the Prime League and Sleague. Some of us have been playing together for even 15 years. Basically, we came across Espzen league in 2011and felt that would be a good way to play together again in ONE team and also competitively. Having won 2 league titles we have decided to join the honored X-league for the upcoming season in Nov 2012. Some of us still take part in competitive weekend 5aside/7aside tournaments. We may not have the same fitness/stamina as before but in football, its always remembered- FORM is temporary, CLASS is permanent.
Honours: Espzen Div 11 Champeons 2011
Espzen Div 7 Champeons 2012