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Jugar Duro Football Club

Team Info

About Us

Jugar Duro FC is a highly competitive youngster soccer clubs, established by ex S-league clubs, ex NFL clubs, ITE students and the coach himself to compete other soccer models operating in the community. Team plays in Friendly matches throughout the years and now in X-League 2015.
Jugar Duro FC is to support, but not control, its players. The club has flourished with this team centric philosophy. Each player is able to decide their goals, tryout policies, level of commitment and whether to play year- round or not. Each player has the freedom to manage their routines in Trainings to suit personal training styles, player selection, tactic, etc. The club’s role is to simply guide a player leadership skills through the process. The club typically does not create players, we just groom them to be a better players. Specifially the club does not select players, as this guided by volunteers and also the coach himself. The club may help with initial tryouts to attract players, at the desire of a new team. As new teams form, the manager and coach help them to understand the sometimes complex league rules and the delicate process of building a strong, cohesive team.
For local youngsters between the ages 17 to 20, the club has become a second home, adopted by their soccer teams in both fun and competition. The club emphasizesparental involvement in virtually all aspects of team leadership. We believe that caring parents increase a competitive soccer team’s long-term viability and enhance a child’s emotional and athletic development. We recognize that players - when supported by their parents and guided by excellent coaches –gain a deeper and more durable love of the game, achieving true soccer excellence.
Team official work together to make decisions regarding level of competition, fees and virtually all other matters concerning the players in a soccer context. An annual team meeting is required allowing all team players to establish plans, discuss differences, share objectives and otherwise gain consensus. Since Jugar Duro FC is a not-for-porfit, volunteer-led organization, fees remain modest in comparison to other local organizations’, allowing young adults to participate regardless of their financial stature or lack thereof.
We are also proud to say that our senior boys have started their friendly match everything really well and best performances. And now we have strong team and skillful players for our coming league in X-League.
We appreciate your interest in Jugar Duro Football Clubs and hope that you may join and strengthen our organization.


Jugar Duro Football Club